Friday, November 7, 2008

Thank You

To get through the challenging times of the gloomy economic news you need to pull your company staff together. Elevating morale when all around you employees are losing theirs is no small task. So how can you keep the momentum going? At Legacy Boutique Gift Baskets, we have a few ideas for affordable unique incentives.
Big Ideas : we know you are thinking hard about how to save costs or find new customers we have some suggestions. Reward good ideas with a token of appreciation. This lighter than air paperweight, Deluxe Wooden Bottle Stopper or the Golf Business Card Holder are perfect.
Team Building; Say thank you to the team for hitting a target or getting a big order it doesn’t have to be a hike up Mt. Rainier, you can effectively team build in all sorts of ways (even a night out bowling will do the trick). Commemorate or recognize the event with a gourmet gift basket or bottle of wine.
Celebrate Birthdays; it gives a real lift to everyone when their birthday is recognized in the workplace; Chocolate Gourmet Chocolate Bath and Body is the perfect gift for the Chocolate Lover.

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